Friday, February 24, 2006

Ontario Dollars Spent Poorly

I have some ranting prepared regarding the ODSP (Ontario Disability Support Program) Employment Support policies as it pertains to services for people with intellectual disabilities; however I am holding on pending further information.


Saturday, February 18, 2006

Dominican Sunrise

Does anyone have a recipe for the Dominican Sunrise? My friends and I are having a post-vacation party tonight and I wanted to be able to make one exactly the way they did at the resort. I have searched online and found references but no actual list of ingredients. I know it contains white rum, orange juice and grenadine, but I was sure the bartender at the resort was adding a second type of alcohol. Then again, I was always a little 'runk when I was ordering one and therefore shouldn't put too much faith in my memories. Regardless, if you can confirm how to make the drink please leave a comment below (and before you feel you must let your inner comic loose, yes I do realize that this is a "girlie" drink, and yes I did feel myself growing a vagina the more I drank them, and no I do not know what the prefered spelling of "girlie" is).

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The Other Side Of 'Rank'

Although posting is fun, have you checked out the right-hand column of this page?

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Wednesday, February 08, 2006

Back From The Dominican

I was recently away with 9 other people in the Dominican (near Puerto Plata to be more specific). While I have a lot of stuff I could write about, I don’t want to be the guy who bores the world with vacation stories. Instead I offer you a brief list of crap related to the trip (in no particular order). Think of this as vacation slides without the pictures and drawn out anecdotes:

Julio the tour guide
Jennifer Lopez
Dominican Sunrise
Presidente (although Ambar’s better)
Sosua (So-sucks)
Guiro (not a “meringue”)
Band-aid Burritos
Beach Dogs
Jose O’Shea’s
Dave’s giant coconut drink
The lazy bartender
6 out of 7 waterfalls
Dented ping pong balls in hot coffee
Aqua socks suck (just ask my feet)
Boogey boarding
Throwing candy at children
More waves
Nacionales (Suave)
“My friend . . . my friend”
Corn and Hotdog Pizza
Frank Reyes

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