Hi everyone. I’m still alive but I am also on the road a lot during the day and my home computer is still FUBAR. I have tried to install new drivers for my modem but I can never seem to find an appropriate match. Since I need internet access to download the drivers, yet have no internet access at home, such trial and error has been s . . . l . . . o . . . w . . . and frustrating. Psychic Mike predicts a new computer in his future.
I haven’t had a smoke since last Thursday. I want to rip out my hair and chew through my arm on a nightly basis. At least Jen and two other friends quit at the same time as me. It’s easier to sit in hell knowing others are in hell with you. Actually, the hardest part is watching what I eat. Last time I quit smoking I allowed myself to eat anything I wanted, justifying my gluttony through the feat of not of smoking. As a result I gained thirty pounds. I can’t afford to gain thirty more. It might sound weird, but I feel that a person should be able to reach around to wipe their butt without cramping up. I truly value my autonomy when it comes to using the toilet and refuse to allow my health to diminish to the point that I have to perform stretching exercises before taking a seat.
On a sadder note, Jake, our thirteen year cat, is sick. Jen and I are taking him to the vet tomorrow. He seems to be okay other than the fact that he is sleeping all the time (more so than usual) and rarely moves from the chair in the living room. He is still eating however, and he’s still affectionate when we pet him, but he is definitely acting differently from the running, meowing, playful Jake that we saw when we first moved. I will post an update on his condition when I get a chance to use a computer again.