Wednesday, June 21, 2006

Some Kinda Love . . . Some Kinda Hate

If you are a regular reader of my weblog, you may have noticed that my attitude towards life in Toronto leans a towards being negative. Yet I love living here. Therefore, I’d like to disclose a few reasons I'm happy to be living in Toronto. Of course, I wouldn’t be me if I didn’t also include some reasons this city pisses me off.

LOVE (In no particular order):

1. Diversity – so many places to go in this city with a unique feel to all of them (i.e. Kensington Market, Roncesvalles, The Village)

2. Location – travel East or West and you're just a few hours away from Niagara Falls, The U.S. or Montreal; head North you’re setup for some great spots to go wilderness camping or to make a stop at Canada's Wonderland

3. Driving alone the Gardiner – nothing reminds you that you are in Toronto more than driving above the city past the various tourist attractions such as the CN Tower, Sky Dome (that’s right, I said “Sky Dome” and not “Roger’s Centre” – deal with it), and various high rise buildings

4. Toronto parks – the Islands, High Park

5. A lot to do – there is something going on somewhere all the time

6. Indie Cinemas – some are closing but the few that remain show great documentaries and independent films

7. Making a big city seem small – the TTC will, in theory, get you anywhere you need to go (as long as you’re willing to wait long enough to get there – see HATE #4)

8. Buskers - music while you walk is alright by me

HATE (In no particular order):

1. The price of alcohol – we pay too much!! (both in bars and in the beer/liquor stores)

2. The cost of living – groceries and rent alone can make it difficult for a guy paying off his various debts to get by

3. Traffic – mostly during rush hour, but also on week-ends

4. TTC – drivers with attitude, long waits for busses and street cars, frequent disruptions in service, fellow riders who don't shower, rush hour commuters who think only of their own well-being

5. Radio – the agonizing programming on public radio in Toronto makes satellite’s thirteen bucks a month seem quite reasonable

6. Scarborough – need I say more?

7. Cyclists – perhaps learning the rules of the road would be wise if you are going to ride alongside two-ton machines that travel between 50 and 100 km/hr

8. Pushy Panhandlers - I understand they are poor and desperate for money, but that doesn't give them the right to interrupt my dinner on a patio or walk down the street with rude scam attempts to get money to get home to [insert city here]

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Blogger dogsleddn said...

Love the Kortright Centre for Conservation Siberian Husky Race in Febuary every year.

Hat Scarbrough-I know you mentioned it but it should be mentioned again.

Nice Mike

June 29, 2007 3:50 p.m.  

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