Thursday, January 11, 2007

Your Time, YOUR TIME, Is Down Here (Television)

This site isn't just about me. Hell, I wouldn't be writing all this if you weren't around to read me. So I have a list of things I want to know about you. Hit the comments tab if you are so daring . . .

My personal top 10 television shows (finished) are listed below:

1. Buffy The Vampire Slayer
2. Freaks and Geeks
3. Arrested Development
4. Seinfeld
5. WKRP in Cincinnati
6. Six Feet Under
7. The Kids in the Hall
8. North of 60
9. Oz
10. Star Trek: Deep Space 9

My personal top 10 television shows (still making episodes) are listed below:

1. The Simpsons
2. Southpark
3. Lost
4. Battlestar Galactica
5. Rescue Me
6. The Office (U.S.A.)
7. Trailer Park Boys
8. Survivor
9. Heroes
10. Smallville

Got a show you like that isn't included? Tell me about it!

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