Monday, September 12, 2005

When Is A Door Not A Door?

I really hate it when stores with two distinctly separate doors keep one of the doors locked. I think they enjoy watching their customers' awkward jerking motions as they pull hard on an immobile door. I also think they enjoy watching two customers - one exiting and one entering - squeezing through one doorway. Sometimes the locked door has an 'out of order' sign on it. I would believe the door was broken if it was an electronically powered door. Otherwise, a door is typically not a complicated device. There's a handle, some hinges and a lock. Since the lock is apparently working just fine, the 'out of order' must be referring to either the hinges or the handle. I understand retail and food services do not pay very well, but you would think they would have at least one employee who is smart enough to understand the intricacies of hinges and handles. Bottom line: the door will never be fixed. The store owners simply love watching our daily routine of coffee spillage and swears as we exhibit inane dance moves through the only available doorway at the same time as some morning breath bastard who couldn't wait 2 seconds for us to go first. Assholes.

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