Thursday, August 18, 2005

Sold Out

Misconceived notions of artists
And artistry
Make for furious chatter amongst the untouched masses
Selling out
And suffering
Two extremes of such a similar base
Knowing where to draw the line isn’t the problem
But believing there is no line to draw?
Misunderstandings of intention,
And action.
Of meaning,
And meaning.
There is a line to be drawn
But it is not unswerving in nature
Should we settle for what is understood by the many,
Or fight for our souls in spouting what is formless to most?
Perhaps it is love we crave.
And if so, should that feed us,
Or will it weaken our sight?
Money obviously does.
But what about the heart?
What about the passion?
Is it possible to put a price on intention?
Our actions DO speak louder than words.
But is that really our fault?
Or is that really THE fault?
A society based on misguided perceptions
Is hardly enlightened.
Is hardly a good judge
of character
of intention
of art.



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